There is no question that construction is a male-dominant industry. Nonetheless, women all over the world are making their mark on the industry by breaking through the bias and proving their worth. Despite facing challenges and obstacles along the way, these women are paving the way for future generations.
So what exactly is driving these women to succeed in a field that has been traditionally dominated by men? Read on to hear from Emily Shaw, North Port Area Chamber of Commerce's Membership Coordinator.
"Amazing Women = Amazing Community: The strong women in our community came together to help build a house for a family in need. Over 100 women throughout a one week period donated their time, treasures and talents to help make a dream a reality for a local family. Over $30,000 was raised. The volunteers were business owners, local political figures, CEO's, Executive Directors, employees of local businesses, and retired women in the South Sarasota area. They pounded nails, put up dry wall, framed out rooms, and worked together for the good of our community." - Emily Shaw, Membership Coordinator, North Port Area Chamber of Commerce.

We must continue to lift up these women who are role models and share their stories in order to create a new generation of leaders who can change the world. The next time you meet a woman in construction, be sure to thank her for blazing the trail and ask her about her experiences. Let’s work together to ensure that every girl and woman knows that she has what it takes to achieve anything she sets her mind to.